Naturopathic Approach to Headaches

Underlying inflammatory, immune triggers that may be contributing to your headache and migraines need to be addressed in the treatment of headache and migraines. Headaches are extremely complex to treat because there are multifactorial triggers. An integrative...

Immune Health and COVID-19

This article is meant to discuss immune health, building resilence, and recommendations with specific regards to COVID-19 in detail. There are, however, universal foundational truths to immune health that I will briefly list. Their importance to your immune health...

Osteoarthritis and Chronic Knee Pain

Osteoarthritis is commonly known as general wear and tear of the joints. Other terms used are degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis. Osteoarthritis is chronic low-grade inflammation in the joint space leading to break down of cartilage, synovitis,...

Understanding Cellular Senescence and its Role in Wellness

The latest research in anti-aging and regenerative medicine has been focused on senescent cells and the role they play in the aging process, the body’s ability to heal, and chronic inflammatory disease. A senescent cell is one that undergoes changes in gene expression...

Brain-gut axis. How Leaky Gut Connects to Leaky Brain

There is two-way communication between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract often referred to as the “brain–gut axis,” so it makes sense that increased inflammation in one would result in inflammation of the other.  But, how do we get inflammation in the gut or...

Multiple Sclerosis an Integrative Approach

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and neurodegeneration of the brain and spinal cord. MS is a disorder that causes demyelination resulting in the destruction of the protective lining of nerves causing neurologic dysfunction....

The Importance of Oxygen in Healing and Pain

Oxygen is the most essential molecule needed for life. We can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only moments without oxygen. Our body’s tissues need a constant supply of oxygen to function and the best way to optimize health is to adequately...

Alzheimer’s Disease is on the rise in the United States.

Alzheimer’s Disease is on the rise in the United States. One in ten Americans over the age of 65 now suffers from this form of dementia. While it’s most common in older adults, early onset Alzheimer’s disease can affect people in their 50s—or even 40s. Until very...

Regenerative Healing for Osteoarthritis

Joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and synovial fluid (for joint lubrication) undergo a continuous but slow turnover and remodeling process. This is affected by many physiological factors such as diet, supplements, activity, stress, gut health, allergies, immune...

Treating the Root Cause of Autoimmunity

A healthy immune system is critical for optimal wellness. However, with increasing environmental, economical, and dietary stressors put on our immune system, it is no surprise the prevalence of autoimmune disorders has tripled in the last fifty years making autoimmune...

Treatment of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Using Regenerative Medicine

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a genetic connective tissue disorder affecting skin, bones, joints, blood vessels and other organs of the body. Individuals with EDS have problems making the structural protein collagen.  Collagen is the frame work of all...

Benefits of Fasting

A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best medicine and the best doctors. -Mark Twain Intermittent or time restricting eating simply means periods of eating and periods of not eating. Fasting has been a natural part of human...